
Coming to a decision in 28 days

This is our slogan, and also our aim! We are convinced that we can achieve this - thanks to adjudica-tion! For us, the speediness of the procedure is the crucial added value. Time is money. If you want to avoid expensive and never-ending court proceedings, you have to already solve conflicts at the very outset, directly on the building site, as the case may be. Every week, every month for which a conflict drags on, it escalates costs and leads to further construction time delays. Therefore, we have launched the project 28. No dispute should last longer than 28 days. We offer you extensive advice and support on the implementation of adjudication proceedings so that the project goal is reached within the estimated time schedule and budget.  

Our focus areas

  • Legal advice on an adjudication proceeding
  • Drafting adjudication clauses in construction contracts
  • Support in the selection of suitable adjudicators
  • Providing expert adjudicators and an interdisciplinary team of adjudicators respectively
  • Presentations and trainings on adjudication 



Why us?

We combine legal and technical expertise in the law firm Graf von Westphalen, the expert Bringe and the project manager HKA. We have been closely cooperating for years and are therefore at your disposal as an established team for a smooth and fast execution of the project. Due to this positive experience, adjudication clauses are more and more frequently included in our construction contracts.